Friday, June 24, 2005

Project Beer Belly: Day Three

I'm three days into the 'Drop a Jeans Size' thing now and have just finished my first box of Crunchy Nut Corn Flakes. I'm switching to Just Right until my Just Right runs out. The Suits don't seem to like this over at the Kellogg's website, but how much harm could it really do? So far it's been surprisingly easy to exist on one meal and two bowls of cereal a day. I can see it getting old fast though. No visible belly reduction yet, though I did manage to force myself into a lower belt hole earlier, so that's something. I'm not weighing myself again until next Wednesday.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Project Beer-Belly: Day One

"I don't know if you are familiar with the phrase 'The best laid plans of mice and men gang aft aglae', but aglae is the way things certainly seem to have ganged" - P.G. Wodehouse

So true. So true. I didn't manage to buy a set of bathroom scales yesterday because Argos didn't have the £3.49 set in stock. (Why would anyone pay £50 for bathroom scales when you can get a working set for £3.49? WHY?) Anyway, I ordered the ones I wanted and I'll have to pick them up on Monday or Tuesday. Not to be thwarted, however, I nicked into Bentall's in Ealing Broadway and weighed myself on a display set. Well, two display sets, actually, one of which was blatantly lying. I then went and bought myself a tape measure. So the official results on Day One of Project Beer-Belly are:

Weight: 14.5 stone
Girth of Beer Belly: 41 inches

So I think we can all agree that WORK needs to be done. I also bought a packet of Crunchy Nut Corn Flakes and had a bowl for breakfast and one for lunch, as recommended by the Kellogg's Drop A Jean Size site. It had better work, that's all I can say.

Monday, June 20, 2005

Okay, so Project X is actually just a poncey name for "A Really Big List Of Things To Do". You've rumbled me. Congratulations.

I suppose you could say I'm a little bit list-obsessed. I was very upset when my List-Makers Anonymous And Other Confessions thread got deleted (twice!) on FU (of which more later). However, lists are clearly an excellent way of Getting Things Done and I have several, ahem, projects, all of which require constant vigilance. So this blog is a way of tracking my own progress and, basically, kicking my own arse when required. Some of the projects will be more fun than others. Some will run all year and some will have specific goals. Some are things I've been thinking about for a while, some I'll make up as I go along. We'll just have to see. Anyway, here are a couple to be getting along with.

Project X-1: Lose The Beer Belly

I'm probably as fat now as I've ever been. My weight used to fluctuate a lot, to the point where people would either say, "Oh, you've lost weight" or, "Oh, you've put on weight" in a shocked manner whenever I went home. Lately, however, it's been a lot of the latter and none of the former. Also, I've been slightly sheltered from The Awful Truth by virtue of not having a full-length mirror in my flat. I caught a glimpse of myself side-on the other day and I was, frankly, shocked. So the belly has to go. I don't do much exercise and I don't intend to give up Coke, Guinness, crisps or the occasional burger. So this could be tricky. I have decided to start with the Kellogg's 'Drop A Jeans Size In Two Weeks' thing. I also need to get a proper tape measure and a set of bathroom scales as I don't actually know how heavy I am. So that's my Task For Tomorrow...

Project X-2: See more than 365 films this year.

I managed this last year with an impressive 366! I aim to beat that this year. My personal best is close to 500, during, er, my final year at Sussex University. There's no way I'll make it to 500 but 370 is do-able. Maybe even 400. But I'll be happy with 367. Anyway, I have one of those diaries that keeps track of how many days we are into the year. So today, Monday 20th June, is Day 171 and I have seen only 130 films. So I'm already 41 films behind. Must Try Harder.